
I'm currently developing a (Java) backend for a mobile application using Google App Engine (SDK v1.8.8) and Cloud Endpoints. I'm using Eclipse (Kepler) with Google Plugin (v3.8.0) to develop/deploy the code.

I've been using Google API's explorer for many months during the development to test the endpoints and up until yesterday, everything was working well... if I ran App Engine locally, I could test the endpoints at:


Likewise, I could execute against the remotely deployed version at:


...in both cases, everything worked as expected.

However, as of yesterday, local execution no longer works... instead, my requests are sent to the remote (i.e. live!) version of my API. I'm still accessing API Explorer on localhost and according to it's output, my requests are still being posted locally... here is what is printed when I execute a function 'foo' on 'admin' endpoint:

 POST `http://localhost:8888/_ah/api/adminendpoint/v1/foo`
 X-JavaScript-User-Agent:  Google APIs Explorer

However, for some reason, these requests are being sent to the live/deployed instance of the API.

I restarted my browser (Chrome) and cleared it's cache, tried another browser (Safari), restarted the machine, re-deployed the API... It feels like something is being cached somewhere but I'm running out of ideas.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Did you find the solution to this problem yet? Me and my colleagues have exactly the same problem in our project. In other projects Api Explorer is working just fine. Do you use App Engine Modules as we do? cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/java/modulesKarri Rasinmäki
Hi! Did you noticed the same as I that ApiExplorer started working correctly all of the sudden? For me, it is now working, just that, without touching anywhere in the code which could possible be related to problem.Karri Rasinmäki
No, still no idea what the problem is. I'm not using modules but I do use a backend for some background tasks... can't see how that could be related to this issue though.mkr237
@user3159116 are you still experiencing this?Nick
yes... no idea how to fix it. Very annoying.mkr237

1 Answers


The error has been fixed in the Google App Engine SDK for Java version 1.9.17, as indicated in the release notes (https://code.google.com/p/googleappengine/wiki/SdkForJavaReleaseNotes). I updated my libraries to 1.9.17, and the APIs explorer started working again for localhost.