
I am creating new Bill in Acumatica using web service API. I wrote below code but it throws exception.

Looking for a solution to below issue. Any help is appreciated.

The button Save is disabled. at PX.Data.PXAction`1.d__c.MoveNext() at PX.Api.SyImportProcessor.SyStep.CommitChanges(Object itemToBypass, PXFilterRow[] targetConditions)

AP301000Content AP301000Header = context.AP301000GetSchema();
AP301000Content[] AP301000ImportHeaderResult = context.AP301000Submit
 new Command[]
   new Value { Value = "ARKTAK", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Vendor },
 new Value { Value = "Bill", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Type },

 new Value {Value = "ARKTAK ref123", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.VendorRef },
 new Value{Value = "False", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Hold },

 new Value{Value = "MAIN  ", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Location },
 new Value{Value = "90D", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Terms },
 new Value{Value = "3/8/2015", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.DueDate },
 new Value{Value = "12/8/2014", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.CashDiscountDate },

new Value{ Value = "MAIN", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsLinkToGL.Branch},   
new Value{ Value = "200000", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsLinkToGL.APAccount},   
new Value{ Value = "US-00-00-US-000", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsLinkToGL.APSubaccount},   

 new Value{ Value = "3/8/2015", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsDefaultPaymentInfo.PayDate},   
new Value{ Value = "MAIN", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsDefaultPaymentInfo.Location},   

  AP301000Header.Actions.Save, AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.ReferenceNbr

Thanks, Manish

please replace ...missing code... with your actual codeMmmh mmh
I fixed it. Thanks, ManishManish

2 Answers


here is the example of the code

            AP301000Content AP301000 = context.AP301000GetSchema();

            AP301000Content[] AP301000Content = context.AP301000Submit
                new Command[]
                    new Value { Value = "Bill", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentSummary.Type },
                    new Value { Value = "='new'", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentSummary.ReferenceNbr },

                    new Value { Value = "ACITAISYST", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentSummary.Vendor},                        
                    new Value { Value = "123", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentSummary.VendorRef},
                    new Value { Value = "TEST", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentSummary.Description},

                    new Value { Value = "ACCOMODATION", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentDetails.InventoryID},
                    new Value { Value = "1.0", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentDetails.Quantity},
                    new Value { Value = "10.00", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentDetails.UnitCost},
                    new Value { Value = "X", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentDetails.Project},


        catch (Exception ex)


Following your comment : "... As soon as i Commment below line, it works. Curious to know why it doesn't work when I add below line. "new Value { Value = "Bill", LinkedCommand = AP301000.DocumentSummary.Type }," My code works ...

Make sure that the invoice type is the first field you set. Using the screen-based API is just like using the screen itself. If you put any field value and then change the type, the whole record is reset. By commenting the AP301000.DocumentSummary.Type command, you basically accepted the default value of the screen, which is usually "Bill".

Your code would become

AP301000Content AP301000Header = context.AP301000GetSchema();
AP301000Content[] AP301000ImportHeaderResult = context.AP301000Submit(
 new Command[] {
  new Value {
   Value = "Bill", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Type
  new Value {
   Value = "ARKTAK", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Vendor

  new Value {
   Value = "ARKTAK ref123", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.VendorRef
  new Value {
   Value = "False", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Hold

  new Value {
   Value = "MAIN  ", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Location
  new Value {
   Value = "90D", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.Terms
  new Value {
   Value = "3/8/2015", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.DueDate
  new Value {
   Value = "12/8/2014", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.CashDiscountDate

  new Value {
   Value = "MAIN", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsLinkToGL.Branch
  new Value {
   Value = "200000", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsLinkToGL.APAccount
  new Value {
   Value = "US-00-00-US-000", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsLinkToGL.APSubaccount

  new Value {
   Value = "3/8/2015", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsDefaultPaymentInfo.PayDate
  new Value {
   Value = "MAIN", LinkedCommand = AP301000Header.FinancialDetailsDefaultPaymentInfo.Location

  AP301000Header.Actions.Save, AP301000Header.DocumentSummary.ReferenceNbr