Well I'm new in clojure and I was reviewing the literature of the function mapcat in (http://clojuredocs.org/clojure.core/mapcat) and I found the following sample:
(mapcat (fn [[k v]]
(for [[k2 v2] v]
(concat [k k2] v2)))
'{:a {:x (1 2) :y (3 4)}
:b {:x (1 2) :z (5 6)}})
((:a :x 1 2) (:a :y 3 4) (:b :x 1 2) (:b :z 5 6))
I tried to understand but I got confused how does the key and values work, I'm not sure what is the exactly value of k, k2, v and v2 when the functions for and concat use them.
Thanks for your help.