
I’m trying to open the Apache Spark source code in IntelliJ IDEA.

I opened pom.xml on the Spark source code root directory.
Project tree is displayed in the Project tool window.

But, when I open a source file, say org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ClientBase.scala, a lot of red marks shows on the editor scroll bar. It is the ‘Cannot resolve symbol’ error. Even it cannot resolve StringOps.format.

How can I fix it?

On File | Project Structure window, the following error message is displayed with pink background:

Library ‘Maven: org.scala-lang:scala-compiler-bundle:2.10.4’ is not used

Can it be a hint?

The versions I’m using are as follows:

  • OS: Windows 7
  • IntelliJ IDEA: 13.1.6
  • Scala plugin: 0.41.2
  • Spark source code: 1.1.1 (with a few file modified by me)

I’ve tried to fix this and error state changed somewhat, but eventually I gave up fixing it on my own (with googling) and deleted .idea folder and started over. So now I’m seeing the errors described above.


I noticed thw following popup:

Maven projects need to be imported: Import Changes Enable Auto-Import

And enabled auto-import according to the articles IntelliJ: Maven projects need to be imported: Import Changes Enable Auto-Import and http://javafortesters.blogspot.kr/2013/09/do-enable-auto-import-in-intellij-for.html . Now IntelliJ resolves base Scala symbols.

But still it cannot resolve a few symbols.

The notable file is yarn/common/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/deploy/yarn/ClientBase.scala. In this file, ClientArguments class is not resolved. IntelliJ suggests importing org.apache.spark.deploy.ClientBase, but in fact ClientArgument class is in the same package with ClientBase - that is, org.apache.spark.deploy.yarn.ClientArgument.

Why IntelliJ confuses this?

Thank you.

Can you try and see if, in the 'Maven projects' tool window, under 'Profiles', there are any overlapping profiles active? If, for example, both 'scala-2.10' and 'scala-2.11' are checked.pzecevic
@pzecevic Thanks. But there are no overlapping profiles active. Active ones are as follows: hadoop-2.4, maven-3, yarn.zeodtr

2 Answers


You need to change the Scala compiler from IntelliJ to “sbt incremental compiler” (see the screenshot below).

You can access this by going to “preferences” -> “scala”.

NOTE: This is supported only for certain version of IntelliJ scala plugin. See this link for details. http://blog.jetbrains.com/scala/2014/01/30/try-faster-scala-compiler-in-intellij-idea-13-0-2/


Seems your maven cannot download jars according to your pom dependencies setting.

Two possible factors:

  1. It could be due to your network, so you need check with proxy setting: (Ctrl+Shift+A in IntelliJ, enter "proxy", to check it connection).

  2. It could also because your maven home has not been set in IntelliJ. to set it, you need (Ctrl+Shift+A in IntelliJ, enter "maven setting", to set maven home to point to the place where you have installed your maven.