
How can i add white Gaussian noise to signal.
Now, i'm using awgn function but it doesn't work.
Am i give an incorrect parameter?


x = -2:.002:2;

% Initail variables
M = 0;
V = 500*10^(-6);

% Creating a singal
T = -pi + (pi+pi)*rand(1,1);
S = (13.5)*cos(2*pi*x+T);

% Creating Noise singal
W = M+sqrt(V)*rand(1,2500);

% Adding Noise to signal // This doesn't work
SW = awgn(S,W,'measured');
% or this doesn't work too
SW = S + W;

Thanks in advance.

enter image description hereenter image description here

What do you mean by "it doesn't work"? Does the code run but give incorrect results (in which case give us expected and actual output and a small test case) or does it give an error and not finish (in which case gives us the error message and a small test case)?David
Your example can't be run. Please supply all needed values (especially x). I assume that your vectors S and W don't have the same size, otherwise SW = S+W; should definetly work. Just to be sure: try W = M+sqrt(V)*rand(size(S));hbaderts
you need to define V and x, and the dimentions of S and W need to be the same, i suggest you debug your code step by step and let us know what is the specific problem.shoham
Please define: x1, x, M and V. Then we can help you.Trojanian
OK, I've edited my question please check for me again.Marcus

2 Answers


Your vectors don't have the same size. S is 1x2001 and W is 1x2500. Try

W = M + sqrt(V)*rand(size(S));

Then you can just add the signals by

SW = S + W;

As Kostya already wrote, awgn can be used if you know the desired SNR.


From Matlab manual

y = awgn(x,snr) adds white Gaussian noise to the vector signal x. The scalar snr specifies the signal-to-noise ratio per sample, in dB.