Ignore the message, the Worklight CLI doesn't build Android APK for you, so it doesn't need a JDK and Android SDK specified. Worklight CLI needs a JDK to compile server side code like custom java code and to build the war file.
The Worklight CLI creates a Android project for a hybrid app in the location "apps/myhybridapp/android/native/" this directory contains a AndroidManifest.xml
To build Android app package (apk) you need to use the android command line.
For example to update the project to be built by ant run the following command:
$ /Users/mfpuser/Library/Android/sdk/tools/android update project -p android/native -t android-19
Updated project.properties
Updated local.properties
No project name specified, using Activity name 'myapp'.
If you wish to change it, edit the first line of build.xml.
Added file android/native/build.xml
Added file android/native/proguard-project.txt
This command added the following files:
$ git status
The build.xml is a ant build file.
If you open the build.xml you will notice that there are two ways to specify the Android SDK directory.
In order of preference:
1. local.properties
2. environment variable ANDROID_HOME
When I ran the command the local.propeties had the following content:
You can edit local.properties to specify a different location for Android SDK
For Android API Level
The android update project also updated the file project.properties with the android target specified on the command line.
Here is the content of project.properties:
# Project target.
You can also edit this file to change the target api.
Now you are setup to run ant to build, make sure the JAVA_HOME is set to Oracle JDK 1.7 which will be need it to build Android App.
Like this:
$ echo $JAVA_HOME
Now you can run ant for example for a debug build
$ ant -f android/native/build.xml debug
But again there are many ways that Android apk can be built I just described one, you should check the Android documentation for more information including the new build system based on gradle.
I hope this helps.