The Environment
- I retrieve the Facebook Comments for a Facebook Page of a customer.
- I have an access token for that Facebook page with the permission scopes "read_stream, read_mailbox, read_page_mailboxes, publish_stream, read_insights, manage_pages, publish_actions".
- My access token works fine when I debug it through the Facebook Open Graph Debugger (Expires : never, Valid : True).
- I make un versioned Graph Api Calls (Meaning I am still on V1.0)
- In general everything works, retrieving, publishing, etc...
The Issue - My Corner case
- I have one Facebook user 'x' that replies on many posts on the Facebook wall of the customer's Page.
- When I check my Graph and FQL calls to retrieve the comments, no comments are returned from this user 'x'. All the other comments from other users are present in the API Call results.
- I made the exact same calls for this posts through the Facebook Graph Api explorer, same issue occurs.
- I was not able to find any bug report so far in the Facebook Bugs.
What Next ?
- Is this caused due a privacy setting that the user 'x' has set ? If so, how do you do this ? So I can reproduce this situation.
- Is this a known Facebook bug ? if so, is there a link to it so I can follow it up ?
- Does anyone has more information on this ?
- If this an "expected behaviour", could someone explain why ? So I can communicate to my customer why we can not support this case.