I am using this code:
photraxMap.SetView(new LocationRect(App.photosetLocationCollection));
...to zoom a map to show the List of Locations contained in photosetLocationCollection.
photraxMap is a BingMap. SetView() is a Bing Maps method, not my own custom method.
The problem is that it works too well - it shows all the markers/pushpins, but just barely - the extreme locations are "clipped" as you can see here:
In the screamshot, you can see that the pushpin north of San Andreas as well as the one at Columbia, at the southeast edge of the map, are partially obscured (the one at Pardee is also partially obscured, by the Map Type box, but I reckon that can't be helped).
I want them to have a little "wiggle room" as it were. This is not simply a cosmetic issue - the "outlier" pushpins are not selectable until you drag the map up or down or left or right a tad.
Is there a way to tweak the zoom level just a teensy-weensy bit (not a full zoom level higher)?
Based on the ideas in the answer below, I think I will try something like this:
// Adapted from Brundritt and Boonaert: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26937358/can-i-adjust-my-bing-maps-view-locationrect-bounding-box-by-a-small-amount
// Before passing the locations to set view, call this twice, to add bogus NW and SE locations that will stretch
// the viewable area of the map a little, like so:
// Location nwShim = GetAShimLocation(locs, true);
// Location seShim = GetAShimLocation(locs, false);
// locs.Add(nwShim); locs.Add(seShim);
public static Location GetAShimLocation(IList<Location> locations, bool IsForNorthwestCorner)
const int MAP_CUSHION = 1; // Is 1 a comfortable enough cushion?
// I don't know why the Lats are 85 instead of 90
double maxLat = -85;
double minLat = 85;
double maxLon = -180;
double minLon = 180;
foreach (Location loc in locations)
if (loc.Latitude > maxLat)
maxLat = loc.Latitude;
if (loc.Latitude < minLat)
minLat = loc.Latitude;
if (loc.Longitude > maxLon)
maxLon = loc.Longitude;
if (loc.Longitude < minLon)
minLon = loc.Longitude;
Location retLoc = new Location();
// I'm not sure this logic/math is right - test it later
if (IsForNorthwestCorner)
retLoc.Latitude = maxLat - MAP_CUSHION;
retLoc.Longitude = maxLon - MAP_CUSHION;
else // SouthEast corner - stretch a little both directions
retLoc.Latitude = minLat + MAP_CUSHION;
retLoc.Longitude = minLon + MAP_CUSHION;