I am unable to populate my ComboBox on a UserForm on a Mac.
I have created a dynamic named range called "nameList", whose formula looks as such:
On Sheet1 (named: HOME), I have created a Macro which calls up a UserForm (named: PostForm), where I have created a ComboBox (named: username_Insert). On Windows, I simply have to go to the Properties box & type "nameList" in the RowSource property. This populates the ComboBox with my dynamic nameList. However, when I attempt to read my Worksheet on a Mac, the list turns up empty.
I have tried multiple solutions within code:
Private Sub PostForm_Initialize()
'Populate Username combo box.
'Me.username_Insert.List = [nameList]
'Me.username_Insert.List = Range("nameList")
'Me.username_Insert.List = Range([nameList])
'Me.username_Insert.AddItem = [nameList]
End Sub
I'm unsure if I'm entering the code in the correct sub or if I should be entering my code within the following sub: Private Sub username_Insert_Change()
Modified the code to take in the other dynamic lists I had, resulted in the following code. Implemented into the UserForm Code, worked like a charm:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim nme As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Sheets("Members List")
For Each nme In ws.Range("nameList")
Me.username_Insert.AddItem nme.Value
Next nme
Set ws = Sheets("SONY DATA")
For Each nme In ws.Range("phoneList")
Me.phone_Insert.AddItem nme.Value
Next nme
For Each nme In ws.Range("ampm")
Me.daynight_Insert.AddItem nme.Value
Next nme
For Each nme In ws.Range("typeList")
Me.type_Insert.AddItem nme.Value
Next nme
End Sub