
Because of the limited region availability of deploying Azure Mobile Services, I am investigating deploying the service to Azure Websites. I can deploy the service to a website using the deployment profile easy enough and everything seems to work.

I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience in doing so? Limitations compared to the official Mobile Service hosted deployment? And any specific required changes to typical code?


1 Answers


Having implemented this and using it for the past few months, these are the results I found.

Minimal changes are needed except manually specifying config values as app settings vs the mobile services configuration. I am using Azure AD authentication and the required keys to be configured in Azure websites app settings were

  • MS_MobileServiceName
  • MS_MobileServiceDomainSuffix
  • MS_MasterKey
  • MS_ApplicationKey
  • MS_AadClientId
  • MS_AadTenants
  • MS_AadAudience

I wrote about the changes here https://pontifex.azurewebsites.net/azure-mobile-services-hosted-in-azure-websites/