I'm trying to have two apps, that are related, but have different
access points from the server. Currently ember build
returns on index.html
in dist/
This is with the following setup:
/* global require, module */
var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app');
var mergeTrees = require('broccoli-merge-trees');
var app = new EmberApp();
var viewer = new EmberApp({
storeConfigInMeta: false,
trees: {
app: 'viewer',
templates: 'viewer/templates',
styles: 'viewer/styles'
outputPaths: {
app: {
css: '/assets/viewer.css',
js: '/assets/viewer.js'
vendor: {
css: '/assets/viewer-vendor.css',
js: '/assets/viewer-vendor.js'
module.exports = mergeTrees([viewer.toTree(), app.toTree()], { overwrite: true });
I would like to be able to specify the html output path as well, but after looking around in
https://github.com/stefanpenner/ember-cli/blob/master/lib/broccoli/ember-app.js I'm no smarter about what I should do. Also using different configs, which doesn't really work with configPath
.. errors:
ENOENT, no such file or directory '/Users/user/project/tmp/tree_merger-tmp_dest_dir-fen1Dz3z.tmp/project/config/environment.js'