
According to my research the graphics pipeline works like this:

Model Space

-> * Scalation/Translation/Rotation Matrices

World Space

-> * View Matrix

View/Camera Space

-> * Perspective Projection Matrix

Clip Space

-----> gives you NDC which are used by Rasterization

Could someone tell me if this is correct?
Is Clip Space the same as Projection Space?


1 Answers


That's correct, but you are focusing only on the vertex shader stage. I think this is a more general overview of a "graphics pipeline". That is what OpenGL offers you, however you don't need to use all stages, some stages are optional. A typical program will only use a vertex (Model=>World=>View=>...) and a fragment shader(texturing, lighting,...).

Moreover, you should note that your pipeline is a rasterizer pipeline. There are other methods (Ray tracing).