I have a 'Thing' object with a String property and an NSImage property; the Thing class has encodeWithCoder: and decodeWithCoder: methods, and I can archive and unarchive a [Thing] array using NSKeyedArchiver/Unarchiver.
So far, so good. Now I want to expand my Thing class by an array of directions, where 'Direction' is the following enum:
enum Direction{
case North(direction:String)
case East(direction:String)
case South(direction:String)
case West(direction:String)
In other words, the data I wish to store is
thing1.directions: Direction = [.North("thing2"), .South("thing3")]
(In a more perfect world, I'd be using direct references to my Things rather than just their names, but I realise that this will easily create reference cycles - can't set a reference to another Thing until that Thing has been created - so I'll refrain. I'm looking for a quick and dirty method to save my app data and move on.)
Since I will be needing directions elsewhere, this is a separate entity, not just an enum inside the Thing class. (Not sure whether that makes a difference.)
What is the best way to make my Direction enum conform to NSCoding? The best workaround I can come up with involves creating a [String: String] dictionary with "North" and "South" as keys and "thing2" and "thing3" as values, and reconstruct my enum property from that, but is there a better way? And for that matter, is there a way to make tuples conform to NSCoding because right now (String, String) gets me a 'not compatible to protocol "AnyObject"' error.
Many thanks.