As @Miha mentioned this is keys related.
At present you will not be getting any map tiles displayed on the map.
To get the example to work there are several things that you need to do.
1) Obtain your Signing Key Fingerprint (SHA1) for your machine.
If you haven't already created your SHA1 key for your machine you will need to do this first. The link here describes how to generate this using the command console.
You will get a SHA1 key fingerprint as a result of this.
2) Obtain the package name from the project you are working on.
This can be located by looking at the Android project properties under the Android Manifest tab. You will then see a text-box for the Package name field.
3) In Google Developer Console you will need to create an Application should you not already have one, and Create A New Android key (This is located under APIs & auth \ Credentials).
On the screen that will pop-up you will be able to enter in the SHA1 key and Package Name that you have previously captured in the format {SHA1};{Package Name}.
This will then return to you the API key that you will use in the next step:-
4) In the Android Project, look at the source for AndroidManifest.xml. You will see the following:-
<meta-data android:name="" android:value="{some api key}" />
Enter you API key in that you have previously captured.
5) In the Google Developer Console, for the project, you also have to remember that you have to enable Google Maps Android API v2 and also Google Play Android Developer API. You can find these under APIs & auth \ APIs
You should then, finally, be able to run the demo.
Update 1:-
Add the uses-permission
as @leoneboaventura mentioned also, so something like the following:-
<uses-permission android:name="{your-package-name}.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE" />