
Hi I'm helping a friend of mine write a program that multiplies two upper triangular matrices without expanding the matrices. When I say without expanding the matrix, I mean without filling the lower part of the upper triangular matrix with zeros (the goal is to conserve space). I'm reading in the matrix from a file which only has the upper triangular values for the matrices with the lower part omitted.

What I'm trying to accomplish is to write a function which given an array and a pair of indices, would return an element that an expanded matrix would have at that location (0 for below-diagonal, and values above-diagonal). I'm thinking of then using the usual matrix multiplication algorithm that uses this function whenever it needs to access an element. I've been working on this for several hours and I can't come up with a way to transform double matrix indices (i,j) (i goes along rows) to single array indices and vice versa (Just as a reminder I'm using a single dimensional array to store the upper triangular matrix). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

For j == i, elements that would be on the main diagonal are at 0, n, n + (n-1), n + (n-1) + (n-2) and so on (figuring out the ith element of this sequence is left as an exercise for the reader). For j > i, just add j - i to the result of the previous calculation.Igor Tandetnik

3 Answers

// mat is an array containing the upper triangle data for a square matrix of size n
// returns element at (i,j), or 0 for the lower triangle
int getFromTriangle(const int* mat, int n, int i, int j)
  if (i > j) {
    return 0; // lower triangle
  } else {
    return mat[j + (i*n) - i*(i+1)/2];

The if clause takes care of the lower triangle. The else clause computes the array index like this:

j + (i*n) - i*(i+1)/2

Which is just the regular rectangular-matrix index function minus an offset which is exactly the ith triangular number, because in any row i, the storage has omitted triangle(i) elements.


You can divide your algorithm to smaller, easily understandable chunks.

// Get the array index given the rank, the row, and the column.
int getArrayIndex(int rank, int row, int col)
   return (row*rank + col - col*(col+1)/2);

// Get the term of a matrix, given the rank, the row, and the column.
int getMatrixTerm(int a[], int rank, int row, int col)
   if ( col < row )
      return 0;
      return a[getArrayIndex(rank, row, col)];

// Get the term for a row and column resulting from mulitiplication.
int getMultipliedTerm(int a[], int b[], int rank, int row, int col)
   int term = 0;
   int k = 0;
   for ( ; k < rank; ++k )
      term += getMatrixTerm(a, rank, row, k)*getMatrixTerm(b, rank, k, col);
   return term;

// Set the term in c given the rank, the row, and the column.
void setMultipliedTerm(int a[], int b[], int c[], int rank, int row, int col)
   if ( j >= i )
      c[getArrayIndex(rank, i, j)] = getMultipliedTerm(a, b, rank, i, j);

// High level function to multiply two upper triangular matrices
// The lower part of the matrix is not stored at all.
void multiply(int a[], int b[], int c[], int rank)
   int i = 0;
   int j = 0;
   for ( i = 0; i < rank; ++i )
      for ( j = 0; j < rank; ++j )
         setMultipliedTerm(a, b, c, rank, i, j);

if p = &a[0][0] then a[i][j] is same as *(p+i*row_size+j) in c++. where p is pointer to the same type of data as the matrix elements. I hope this is what you want, and that you know pointers. all the best.