Is there a way to merge cells vertically so that a Row Group's Total can be shown in the column? Here is how I want my report to look:
|Year | Half | Qty | Amount | Year Ttl Qty | Year Ttl Amt |
| | 1st | 500 | 2,000 | | |
| 2012 +--------+--------+---------+ 1,200 + 5,500 +
| | 2nd | 700 | 3,500 | | |
What I have done so far is create a Table with Year and Half in Row Groups. Half is a child to Year in the Row Group. I have added two more columns after Amount - Year Ttl Qty and Year Ttl Amount. Both these are calculative columns. I have used an aggregate sum with a group on "Year" to calculate the Year Ttl Qty:
=Sum(Fields!Qty.Value, "Year")
This got me the right value but it repeated for both the 1st and 2nd Half rows. So I went ahead and set the Hide Duplicate parameter to "Year" Row Group which shows blank in the 2nd row. Like the following:
|Year | Half | Qty | Amount | Year Ttl Qty | Year Ttl Amt |
| | 1st | 500 | 2,000 | 1,200 | 5,500 |
| 2012 +--------+--------+---------+--------------+--------------+
| | 2nd | 700 | 3,500 | | |
However, this still doesn't get me my desired output.
I have seen a very similar post at SSRS - show row total in column. However, the answer there doesn't really help me.
EDIT (12thOct'14)
The nearest I have come to a solution is this:
In the 2nd grid, I have used expressions to draw the top and bottom border to give the impression of merged cells. For the borders of the Year Ttl Qty cell, I have used these expressions:
=iif(Previous(Fields!Year.Value) =Fields!Year.Value, "None", "Solid")
=iif(Count(Fields!Qty.Value,"DataSet1") = RowNumber("DataSet1"), "Solid","None")
|Year | Half | Qty | Amount | Year Ttl Qty | Year Ttl Amt |
| | 1st | 500 | 2,000 | 1,200 | 5,500 |
| 2012 +--------+--------+---------+ + +
| | 2nd | 700 | 3,500 | | |
Unfortunately, this is still a hack in my opinion :( For example, in this scheme, I cannot vertically center the Year Ttl Qty across 2 cells.