
I find strange behaviour when trying to load an Excel workbook.

I have an Excel-AddIn, written in .NET with COM Interop. It is mainly used to create my own Ribbon-Tab, load workbooks from a menu and do some project administration.

When I try to open a workbook using two ways, I get different results:

First, when I load the Workbook (Excel 2003-Version) from within the Addin everything works fine. From the Button-Event of the ribbon, a public function openWorkbook of the Add-In is called that uses application.workbooks.open(...) to load the Excel workbook.

This way, the workbook opens without an error.

Second, when I try to call the Addin-Function from within VBA using code like:

Set addIn = Application.COMAddIns("WMExcelAddin1")
Set automationObject = addIn.Object
automationObject.openWorkbook (filename)

I get an error message:

Compile Error

Automation Error

and the IDE stops at the first occurrence of a conditional compile in one of the workbook-modules, looking like follows:

#const ebind = 0
sub proc1()

     #if ebind = 1 then         ' IDE Stops here
     #end if

end sub

I tried to use boolean datatype instead of numbers with the same effect.

I'm at my wits' end.

how did you expose your classes and methods to VBA? something like this?user2140173
vba4all, yes - exactly as described in Your link. (in VB.NET though and not in C#).DrMarbuse
have you set reference to your addin in vba project?ZAT
See this.ZAT
Try to write in VBA: Call automationObject.openWorkbook (filename) or automationObject.openWorkbook filename .El Scripto

1 Answers


In Automation mode Excel does not load add-ins by default. Excel loads add-ins using the conditions add-ins were compiled with. In order for Add-In works during Automation mode, one should force Excel to load it prior to load any workbooks depending on that add-in. Below I provide the code example from my real project (with some editions) which implements this loading sequence in JScript. Comments explain steps.

function run_excel() {
  g_xla_addin = null;
  g_xla = null;
  try {
    g_add_ins = get_excel_app().AddIns;
    dbg_log("finding add_in.xlam");

    //Searching for the installed add-in like Application.COMAddIns("WMExcelAddin1")
    g_xla_addin = find_addin(g_add_ins, "add_in.xlam");
  } catch(v_err) {
      throw new error(
      , CR_xla_loading
      , 'Unexpected error occurred while determining if add_in.xlam is installed.'
      , v_err
  if (g_xla_addin == null) throw new error(
    , CR_xla_not_installed
    , "MS Excel addin is not installed."
  try {
    dbg_log("opening add_in.xlam");

    //In the example, the add-in has the name of its workbook
    try { g_xla = g_excel.Workbooks(g_xla_addin.Name); } catch(e) {}
    if (g_xla == null) {
      g_excel.AutomationSecurity = 1; // 1 == msoAutomationSecurityLow

      //Loading the add-in. The add-in also handles `OpenWorkbook` at this time.
      g_xla = g_excel.Workbooks.Open(
        g_xla_addin.FullName  //FileName
      , 2     //UpdateLinks
      , true  //ReadOnly
      , null  //Format
      , null  //Password
      , null  //WriteResPassword
      , true  //IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended: not display the read-only recommended message
      , 2     //Origin: xlWindows
      , null  //Delimiter
      , null  //Editable
      , null  //Notify
      , null  //Converter
      , false //AddToMru: don't add this workbook to the list of recently used files
      , true  //Local: saves files against the language of Microsoft Excel. 
      , 0     //CorruptLoad: xlNormalLoad 
      hide_excel(); //To speed up and not interfere with user actions
  } catch(v_err) {
    throw new error(
    , CR_xla_loading
    , 'Unexpected error occurred while loading add_in.xlam:\n'
    , v_err

  //Now the Add-In is loaded, so the VBA engine knows its API, and the workbook referencing to it are loaded fine.
  try {
    g_sig_cat_wbk = g_excel.Workbooks.Open(
      g_sig_cat_fn  //FileName
    , 2     //UpdateLinks
    , true  //ReadOnly
    , null  //Format
    , null  //Password
    , null  //WriteResPassword
    , true  //IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended: not display the read-only recommended message
    , 2     //Origin: xlWindows
    , null  //Delimiter
    , null  //Editable
    , null  //Notify
    , null  //Converter
    , false //AddToMru: don't add this workbook to the list of recently used files
    , false //Local: saves files against the language of Microsoft Excel. 
    , 0     //CorruptLoad: xlNormalLoad 

//Calling on the loaded workbook the target macro from the loaded add_in.xlam 
    vba_ret(g_excel.Run(g_xla_addin.Name+"!my_addin.prepare_sig_import", g_sig_cat_wbk.Name));
  } catch(v_err) {
      throw new error(
      , CR_sig_cat_loading
      , 'Error occured while loading catalog of signals:\n'
      , v_err
  finally {
    g_sig_cat_wbk = null;
  dbg_log("run_excel done");