
I have been running a Titan graph db over Cassandra cluster. In this I have both blueprint graph and RDF graph. I am using rexster server for querying (gremlin) and visualization purpose with no problem. Now I want to do sparql query using rexster.

I have enabled sparql extension in rexster but when I run a sparql query it complains about underlying graph. Exact error is this.

{"message":"the graph to which this extension is applied is not a SailGraph implementation","api":{"description":"execute SPARQL queries against a SAIL graph."....

Is there a way to tell rexster that graph stored in Cassandra does have Sail compatible graph?

PS: I have no problem in sparql query using sail apis in my code it just that I want an interface like Rexster for sparql query


1 Answers


Please see discussions here:


and here:

Sparql endpoint for SAIL object

The summary of both discussions boil down to: Use the REST Gremlin Extension or RexPro in Rexster and wrap your Graph instance in a GraphSail instance and then do your sparql query.