
I am trying to deploy my rails app with opsworks recipes that I get from AWS. I tried to setup the entire thing by referring a blog here. Whatever he says is "php" or "php-app", I replaced with "rails" and my app name. My role JSON for the app looks like this -
{ "name": "hercules", "description": "OpsWorks recipe run-list for the rails app layer", "app_type": "rails", "default_attributes": { "max_pool_size": 5 }, "run_list": [ "recipe[opsworks_initial_setup]", "recipe[dependencies]", "recipe[unicorn::rails]", "recipe[rails::configure]", "recipe[deploy::default]", "recipe[deploy::rails]" ], "chef_type": "role", "json_class": "Chef::Role" }

When I try to deploy, it runs other recipes well and gets stuck on this error for deploy::rails -

==> app: ================================================================================ ==> app: Recipe Compile Error in /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/deploy/recipes/rails.rb ==> app: ================================================================================ ==> app: ==> app: ==> app: NoMethodError ==> app: ------------- ==> app: No resource or method named opsworks_deploy' forChef::Recipe "rails"' ==> app: ==> app: ==> app: Cookbook Trace: ==> app: --------------- ==> app: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/deploy/recipes/rails.rb:20:in block in from_file' ==> app: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/deploy/recipes/rails.rb:2:ineach' ==> app: /tmp/vagrant-chef-3/chef-solo-1/cookbooks/deploy/recipes/rails.rb:2:in `from_file' ==> app:

If I open the rails.rb:20, that function is there - opsworks_deploy do Chef::Log.info("****** hi there *") Chef::Log.info("#{application}") Chef::Log.info(deploy.inspect) app application deploy_data deploy end

Am I missing something terribly stupid here?

What does that line look like? Also worth noting that most Opsworks cookbooks won't run outside of Opsworks as they expect data to be filled in by AWS.coderanger
@coderanger, which line do you ask? That file rails.rb has the line and function definition there. Updated OP to reflect that.Shrinath

1 Answers


OK. After spending 2 days behind this, in some far corner of google's search results, I found this - https://tickets.opscode.com/browse/CHEF-5011

Pasting some relevant info below -

A change to the Recipe DSL causes any NoMethodError or NameError that occurs inside a Resource's do..end block to be incorrectly reported as something like
No resource or method named file' forChef::Recipe "default"' For example, the error in the following recipe code is clearly the no_method_here bit inside the file resource:
file "/tmp/whatever" do no_method_here end

However, the error gets reported as:


Recipe Compile Error in /private/tmp/error_message_repro/repro/recipes/default.rb



No resource or method named file' forChef::Recipe "default"'

Cookbook Trace:


Relevant File Content:


1>> file "/tmp/whatever" do 2: no_method_here 3: end 4:

And someone puts in a patch and a oneliner -

sudo wget https://github.com/opscode/chef/raw/29e732d97ec7e28b2111aca9f93edfd1bc257c2d/lib/chef/dsl/recipe.rb -O /opt/chef/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/chef-11.10.0/lib/chef/dsl/recipe.rb --no-check-certificate

(assumes your chef client is in /opt/chef)

Hope this helps someone going through same pain.