I built a background audio app and the below mentioned sample code from MSDN helped me a lot.
This runs audio files in a Background task and helps us know the events to handle. http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/BackgroundAudio-63bbc319
Also, it will give you a clear idea on how to pass data from foreground task to background task and vice versa.
Eg. from this app:
Whenever the background app changes the track it sends message to the foreground app like
ApplicationSettingsHelper.SaveSettingsValue(Constants.CurrentTrack, sender.CurrentTrackName);
if (foregroundAppState == ForegroundAppStatus.Active)
//Message channel that can be used to send messages to foreground
ValueSet message = new ValueSet();
message.Add(Constants.Trackchanged, sender.CurrentTrackName);
Similarly the background app can listen to events from Foreground app:
void BackgroundMediaPlayer_MessageReceivedFromForeground(object sender, MediaPlayerDataReceivedEventArgs e)
foreach (string key in e.Data.Keys)
switch (key.ToLower())
case Constants.AppSuspended:
Debug.WriteLine("App suspending"); // App is suspended, you can save your task state at this point
foregroundAppState = ForegroundAppStatus.Suspended;
ApplicationSettingsHelper.SaveSettingsValue(Constants.CurrentTrack, Playlist.CurrentTrackName);
case Constants.AppResumed:
Debug.WriteLine("App resuming"); // App is resumed, now subscribe to message channel
foregroundAppState = ForegroundAppStatus.Active;
case Constants.StartPlayback: //Foreground App process has signalled that it is ready for playback
Debug.WriteLine("Starting Playback");
case Constants.SkipNext: // User has chosen to skip track from app context.
Debug.WriteLine("Skipping to next");
case Constants.SkipPrevious: // User has chosen to skip track from app context.
Debug.WriteLine("Skipping to previous");
I recommend that you go through the code to understand it better. It took me a while but I must say, its a very good example on MSDN.
Note: This is for Windows Phone 8.1 Runtime apps (not Silverlight)