I have a push segue and want to transfer data between views. I need a different way to resign first responder if the user taps the next button in the navigation bar. I have [textField resignFirstResponder]; in the navigation bar button method but for some reason it is called after the next page viewDidLoad.
- (void) prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{
if ([segue.identifier isEqualToString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"thridClubPage"]]) {
thirdClubPage *nextPage = segue.destinationViewController;
nextPage.title = self.navigationItem.title;
nextPage.location = self.collegeString;
nextPage.people = self.membersString;
nextPage.leader = self.presidentString;
nextPage.Email = self.presidentEmailString;
- (IBAction)finishPage:(id)sender {
[self.presCell.presidentEmail resignFirstResponder];
the segue performs without resigning the textField.