If there is a Generic
instance for a type, then we can search the type of its generic representation for a certain field. We would like to be able to traverse recursive and mutually recursive types, so we need to:
Ensure we don't loop endlessly on recursive types. We need to keep record of the visited types, and stop when we encounter one.
Make the type family call lazy enough so that GHC actually stops computing when we want it to. Closed type families are only lazy on top-down equation matching (i. e. the computation stops at the first matching equation), so we use a helper for recursion.
Here it is:
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Data
type family Elem (x :: *) (xs :: [*]) :: Bool where
Elem x '[] = False
Elem x (y ': xs) = (x == y) || Elem x xs
type family LazyRec hasVisited vis t x where
LazyRec True vis x y = False
LazyRec False vis x x = True
LazyRec False vis t x = Contains (t ': vis) (Rep t ()) x
type family Contains (visited :: [*]) (t :: *) (x :: *) :: Bool where
Contains vis (K1 i c p) x = LazyRec (Elem c vis) vis c x
Contains vis ((:+:) f g p) x = Contains vis (f p) x || Contains vis (g p) x
Contains vis ((:*:) f g p) x = Contains vis (f p) x || Contains vis (g p) x
Contains vis ((:.:) f g p) x = Contains vis (f (g p)) x
Contains vis (M1 i t f p) x = Contains vis (f p) x
Contains vis t x = False
Now we can define a shorthand for a Biplate
that works only when from
possibly contains a to
type family Biplate' from to where
Biplate' from to = (Contains '[from] (Rep from ()) to ~ True, Biplate from to)
And behold:
transformBi' :: Biplate' from to => (to -> to) -> from -> from
transformBi'= transformBi
-- this one typechecks, but it's a no-op.
foo :: [Int]
foo = transformBi (++"foo") ([0..10] :: [Int])
-- type error
foo' :: [Int]
foo' = transformBi' (++"foo") ([0..10] :: [Int])
-- works as intended
foo'' :: [Int]
foo'' = transformBi' (+(10::Int)) ([0..10] :: [Int])
-- works for recursive/mutually recursive types too
data Foo = Foo Int Bar deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
data Bar = Nil | Cons () Foo deriving (Show, Generic, Typeable, Data)
foo''' :: Bar
foo''' = transformBi' (+(10::Int)) (Cons () (Foo 0 Nil))
Some notes:
This only works for Data.Generic.Uniplate.Data
. In the case of Uniplate.Direct
we could implement custom biplate
-s that may or may not visit certain fields, so we can't reason anymore about what's no-op and what's not, which is another reason why this doesn't work there.
We rely on the consistency of GHC and uniplate
internals, i. e. we suppose that uniplate
visits a to
field iff Rep
contains a corresponding field. This is a reasonable assumption, but might be broken by bugs beyond our control. Also, we have to change the definition of Contains
whenever the Generic
representation API changes. On the other hand, we don't pay any runtime penalty for Generic
, since we only inspect Rep
at compile time.