
I'm working on some .Net code to collect some data on a server and put it in a Google Spreadsheet. The job needs to run once a day, clear out the sheet and repopulate it. I have all that working, but I can't get the authorization right. I can do it with my personal Google credentials, and I can get it to work with OAUTH by allowing the app to manipulate all my spreadsheets using the https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds scope. But, what I really want to do is allow my script to read and write just one sheet. Is that possible, and how would I do that?


3 Answers


You are using very old scopes. Look at the drive.file scope



Its not possible using the spreadsheets API. That api is very old and doesnt have a scope for indivdual files.
it might be possible by creating a spreadsheet using the drive API by uploading a CSV with conversion, but you will need permission to create new drive files and that also means permission to the entire drive.


Workaround: Create a new google account and share the spreadsheet with it. Do the OAuth using the new account.

@Zig Mandel is right - the API (Gdata style) wants access to all spreadsheets. But you can workaround the problem using a new account.