
This question is for the people who know both Haskell (or any other functional language that supports Higher-kinded Types) and C++...

Is it possible to model higher kinded types using C++ templates? If yes, then how?


From this presentation by Tony Morris:

Higher-order Polymorphism :

  • Languages such as Java and C# have first-order polymorphism because they allow us to abstract on types. e.g. List<A> can have a reverse function that works on any element type (the A).

  • More practical programming languages and type systems allow us to abstract on type constructors as well.

  • This feature is called higher-order (or higher-kinded) polymorphism.

Example :

Pseudo-Java with an invented notation for higher-order polymorphism

interface Transformer<X, Y> {
  Y transform(X x);

interface Monad<M> { // M :: * -> *
  <A> M<A> pure(A a);
  <A, B> M<B> bind(Transformer<A, M<B>> t, M<A> a);
Maybe you could give an example of your goal. For us don't-know-functional-idioms-very-well types that would help.GManNickG
@GMan: I could give an example, but I'm well aware it will hardly mean anything except for the people who know it already. So I didn't bother to include an example.Venkat Shiva
@Venkat: I mean a goal, what's your bigger picture? You want a higher-kinded type for: __________. Also, a very simple example with comments would still be better than nothing. :)GManNickG
I think an over-arching goal would still be very helpful for everyone.GManNickG
@Venkat: Excellent thanks. Now that I get it...oh wait, already been answered. :)GManNickG

2 Answers


Template-template parameters?

template <template <typename> class m>
struct Monad {
    template <typename a>
    static m<a> mreturn(const a&);

    template <typename a, typename b>
    static m<b> mbind(const m<a>&, m<b>(*)(const a&));

template <typename a>
struct Maybe {
    bool isNothing;
    a value;

template <>
struct Monad<Maybe> {
    template <typename a>
    static Maybe<a> mreturn(const a& v) {
        Maybe<a> x;
        x.isNothing = false;
        x.value = v;
        return x;

    template <typename a, typename b>
    static Maybe<b> mbind(const Maybe<a>& action, Maybe<b>(*function)(const a&)) {
        if (action.isNothing)
            return action;
            return function(action.value);

Isn't usually a normal template already a higher-kinded type? For example std::vector takes a type parameter to create an actual type like std::vector<int>, so it has kind * -> *.