I'm developing an application in C# with GTk. In this application I have to display boxes. Some are filled with color and others with an image. These boxes are resizable and movable. Boxes are displayed in a DrawingArea.
When I draw an image with Cairo context the image doesn't fill the box entirely if the image is larger than the box. I have tried some solutions like using ScaleSimple method on the Pixbuf every time the box is resized, but when the box is large the application become slow. And create a new Pixbuf instance everytime is not a good approach since performance is important for my application.
I have searched in the documentation and internet if there is a parameter to tell Cairo to fill the rectangle with the image but I had found nothing.
Here is my code to draw the image :
context.Translate(Bounds.X, Bounds.Y);
CairoHelper.SetSourcePixbuf(context, _source.Buffer, 0.0d, 0.0d);
context.Rectangle(0.0d, 0.0d, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height);
Bounds is a Gdk.Rectangle and _source.Buffer a Pixbuf instance.
Thanks for the help.