I am trying to parse a XML file with xmlstarlet (using xpath), but I get a syntax error and I don't know how to correct my code.
This is my script:
if [ $1=="author" ]; then
xmlstarlet sel -t -v //topic/auteur[text()=$2]/../titre < ~/.jvc/topics.xml
And this is the XML file:
<titre>Vos bureaux</titre>
<date_heure>29/08/2014 - 12h56</date_heure>
<titre>[PROJET] Le wiki du forum v2</titre>
<date_heure>17/08/2014 - 15h16</date_heure>
<titre>[À lire] Répondre aux trolls = kick</titre>
<date_heure>14/08/2014 - 03h33</date_heure>
I want to print the text between the "titre" tag which author (text between "auteur value") is the second parameter. For example, if I enter ./my_script author Knakis
, I want it to return :
Vos bureaux
Thanks for your help :)
[ ]
:if [ $1 == "author" ]; then
. – fedorqui 'SO stop harming'