
When I run the cross-schema update query I get the error message:

ORA-01031: insufficient privileges 01031. 00000 - "insufficient privileges".

Details are as follows:

I am trying to populate table (my_prod_price_tracking) in prod schema from the view (my_vw_product_price_info) which is there in CAT schema.

     my_prod_price_tracking (table)Prod Schema.
     my_vw_product_price_info (view)- CAT schema.

I have given grant select on my_vw_product_price_info to prod. So the inner Select query works fine. But when I run the update script I get the "ORA-01031: insufficient privileges" error.

Please let me know where am I going wrong.

Below is the query:

update ( 
       select a.price_range_low       current_lowest_price,
              a.price_range_low       lowest_price,
              a.last_price_range_low  last_lowest_price,
       b.lowest_price new_lowest_price 
       from my_prod_price_tracking a,
            CATA.my_vw_product_price_info b
       where a.product_id = b.product_id and
             a.price_list_id = b.price_list_id and
             a.price_range_low <> b.lowest_price 
      set up.lowest_price = up.new_lowest_price,
          up.last_lowest_price = up.current_lowest_price,
          up.lowest_price_update_dt = sysdate
Removed mysql and sql-server tags.Gordon Linoff
Isn't is kind of obvious from the error? You don't have update rights on the Prod.my_prod_price_tracking ?Burhan Khalid
The error message is pretty self-explanatory. You don't have appropriate privileges on one or both databases. Talk to your DBA or someone with admin privileges.Gordon Linoff
Gordan, Thanks for the quick response. We dont have DBA in our project and it needs to be solved myself. Here table "my_prod_price_tracking" is created in Prod schema and it as all CRUD privileges. My goal is to update the "my_prod_price_tracking" table from the view which is present in CAT schema. For the view I have granted Select to Prod schema. Inner select query works fine but the update query fails. I am running this query in prod schema. Here i am updating my_prod_price_tracking table which is present in prod schema and not the view.user3903230
You might try GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON MY_PROD_PRICE_TRACKING TO PUBLIC and GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON MY_VW_PRODUCT_PRICE_INFO TO PUBLIC. You may need to log in as the owning user to do this. Best of luck.Bob Jarvis - Reinstate Monica

1 Answers


This may not be your issue, but worth noting: We just spent 48 hours chasing our tails trying to solve this one. One of our modules using NHibernate/Oracle started raising the following exception: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges. Without going into all the gory details, we verified it was random, sporadic, and not a permissions problem. What finally worked was running the following Oracle command:

alter system flush shared_pool