
The new new Azure SQL Database Services look good. However I am trying to work out how scalable they really are.

So, for example, assume a 200 concurrent user system.

For Standard

Workgroup and cloud applications with "multiple" concurrent transactions

For Premium

Mission-critical, high transactional volume with "many" concurrent users

What does "Multiple" and "Many" mean?

Also Standard/S1 offers 15 DTUs while Standard/S2 offers 50 DTUs. What does this mean?

Going back to my 200 user example, what option should I be going for?

Azure SQL Database Link



Useful page on definitions

However what is "max sessions"? Is this the number of concurrent connections?


4 Answers


There are some great MSDN articles on Azure SQL Database, this one in particular has a great starting point for DTUs. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn741336.aspx and http://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Windows-Azure-Storage-SQL-Database-Tutorials/Scott-Klein-Video-02

In short, it's a way to understand the resources powering each performance level. One of the things we know when talking with Azure SQL Database customers, is that they are a varied group. Some are most comfortable with the most absolute details, cores, memory, IOPS - and others are after a much more summarized level of information. There is no one-size fits all. DTU is meant for this later group.

Regardless, one of the benefits of the cloud is that it's easy to start with one service tier and performance level and iterate. In Azure SQL Database specifically you can change the performance level while you're application is up. During the change there is typically less than a second of elapsed time when DB connections are dropped. The internal workflow in our service for moving a DB from service tier/performance level follows the same pattern as the workflow for failing over nodes in our data centers. And nodes failing over happens all the time independent of service tier changes. In other words, you shouldn’t notice any difference in this regard relative to your past experience.

If DTU's aren't your thing, we also have a more detailed benchmark workload that may appeal. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn741327.aspx

Thanks Guy


It is really hard to tell without doing a test. By 200 users I assume you mean 200 people sitting at their computer at the same time doing stuff, not 200 users who log on twice a day. S2 allows 49 transactions per second which sounds about right, but you need to test. Also doing a lot of caching can't hurt.


Check out the new Elastic DB offering (Preview) announced at Build today. The pricing page has been updated with Elastic DB price information.


DTUs are based on a blended measure of CPU, memory, reads, and writes. As DTUs increase, the power offered by the performance level increases. Azure has different limits on the concurrent connections, memory, IO and CPU usage. Which tier one has to pick really depends upon

  1. #concurrent users
  2. Log rate
  3. IO rate
  4. CPU usage
  5. Database size

For example, if you are designing a system where multiple users are reading and there are only a few writers, and if your application middle tier can cache the data as much as possible and only selective queries / application restart hit the database then you may not worry too much about the IO and CPU usage.

If many users are hitting the database at the same time, you may hit the concurrent connection limit and requests will be throttled. If you can control user requests coming to the database in your application then this shouldn't be a problem.

Log rate: Depends upon the volume of the data changes (including additional data pumping in the system). I have seen application steadily pumping the data vs data being pumped all at once. Selecting the right DTU again depends upon how one can do throttling at the application end and get steady rate.

Database size: Basic, standard, and premium has different allowed max sizes, and this is another deciding factor. Using table compression kind of features helps reducing the total size, and hence total IO.

Memory: Tuning the expesnive queries (joins, sorts etc), enabling lock escalation / nolock scans help controlling the memory usage.

The very common mistake people usually do in database systems is scaling up their database instead of tuning the queries and application logic. So testing, monitoring the resources / queries with different DTU limits is the best way of dealing this.

If choose the wrong DTU, don't worry you can always scale up/ down in SQL DB and it is completely online operation

Also unless a strong reason migrate to V12 to get even better performance and features.