
I am working on a MUD client written in Clojure. Right now, I need two different threads. One which receives input from the user and sends it out to the MUD (via a simple Socket), and one that reads and displays output from the MUD, to the user.

Should I just use Java Threads, or is there some Clojure-specific feature I should be turning to?

"In all cases, Clojure does not replace the Java thread system, rather it works with it. Clojure functions are java.util.concurrent.Callable, therefore they work with the Executor framework etc."Alex Stoddard

1 Answers


I would recommend using the pcalls function, like this:

(defn- process-server-responses []
  (prn "server connected")
  (. java.lang.Thread sleep 1000)
  (prn "server disconnected"))

(defn- process-client-input []
  (prn "client-input start")
  (. java.lang.Thread sleep 1000)
  (prn "client-input stop"))

(pcalls process-server-responses process-client-input)

Output for the above:

"server connected"
"client-input start"
"server disconnected"
"client-input stop"

Docs for pcalls here:
