a more detailed version of fra's answer:
1- NuGet to install Microsoft.Owin.StaticFiles (I assumed you already installed Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OwinSelfHost via NuGet)
2- Create a single directory in your solution (in Visual Studio), and put all your client files in it, e.g.
Note: there is a root directory (web) that contains all other directories, and the index.html under the root directly.
3- Now, in the same class that contains your web api routing configuration, add the following code:
var physicalFileSystem = new PhysicalFileSystem(@".\Web"); //. = root, Web = your physical directory that contains all other static content, see prev step
var options = new FileServerOptions
EnableDefaultFiles = true,
FileSystem = physicalFileSystem
options.StaticFileOptions.FileSystem = physicalFileSystem;
options.StaticFileOptions.ServeUnknownFileTypes = true;
options.DefaultFilesOptions.DefaultFileNames = new[] { "index.html" }; //put whatever default pages you like here
4- One more step for the prev code to work: make sure to set the Copy to output directory
property of all files in Web directory (and all nested directories) is set to Copy Always
[select the file | press F4, or right-click then properties | go to Copy to output directory
That's all :)