I'm trying to get multiple products through Shopify API Gem.
I know how to retrieve one product at a time ShopifyAPI::Product.find(product_id).
Here is some code that has worked for a million times over ...
page = 1
count = ShopifyAPI::Product.count
puts "Found #{count} products in Shopify"
if count > 0
product_details = []
page += count.divmod(250).first
while page > 0
products = ShopifyAPI::Product.find(:all, params: {limit: 250, page: page})
product_details += products.collect {|p| {id: p.id, title: p.title, handle: p.handle, product_type: p.product_type}}
page -= 1
puts "Processing #{product_details.length} products from Shopify..."