
Is it possible to obtain a matrix as follows??

The input vectors are X(column vector) and Y(row vector)

 X=[2                       Y=[5 3 1 2 4]-1*5 vector
    1]-5*1 vector

both vectors have the index values as elements. Now I want to have a 5*5 matrix which is as follows:

 Z= (2,5) (2,3) (2,1) (2,2) (2,4)
    (4,5) (4,3) (4,1) (4,2) (4,4)
    (5,5) (5,3) (5,1) (5,2) (5,4)
    (3,5) (3,3) (3,1) (3,2) (3,4)
    (1,5) (1,3) (1,1) (1,2) (1,4)

Z-5*5 matrix

is it possible to obtain a matrix like this using matlab...pls help....i have no idea how to do this....thanks in advance...

Use your favourite search engine on the term Matlab vector outer product and variations thereof.High Performance Mark
What do you mean by (2,5)? It's not valid Matlab syntaxLuis Mendo
actually i want to scramble a matrix so i generated two chaotic sequences and i sorted them...i need to use the index values of these two sequences to scramble the original atrix...so i thought i could convert these two vectors into a matrix so that id be able to shuffle the original matrix values into the new positions...Abirami Anbalagan

2 Answers


Here's an alternative solution using a cell array instead of a regular array:

C=reshape(num2cell([XX(:) YY(:)],2),numel(X),[]);

The outcome will be a 5x5 cell array,

C = 
[1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]
[1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]
[1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]
[1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]
[1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]    [1x2 double]

each element will contain the 2 numbers. For example:

 ans =  
     4     3

Maybe this is what you want:

Z = cat(3, repmat(X, 1, size(Y,2)), repmat(Y, size(X,1), 1));

This builds a 3D-array Z such that Z(m,n,:) gives the m,n entry of your "matrix".

However, depending on what you want to achieve, there are probably better ways to do it.