I create a webpage which has some elements of ext js embedded in it. I am having a problem displaying a loading mask especially when there is so much data to load. In this example, I am using color box to create a popup window. Inside the popup window, I want to display ext js data grid where a user can select items. The problem is in the speed in which the grid loads. It takes a while before it fully loads.
The page is : http://ictpunt.be, click on the 'add offer' button to see the popup.
I would like to display a loading mask while it is loading. I have tried doing it on the viewport, but it only shows when the data is about to load. So a user has to look at the blank screen for close to 10 seconds before the loadmask msg appears! Here is a piece of my code
Ext.create('Ext.Viewport', {
items: [ contentPanel ],
renderTo: 'content',
loadMask: true,
viewConfig: {
loadingText: "Loading, please wait..."
should apply a loading mask automatically when it is loading data. – forgivenson