
I am testing file upload i.e CSV. In my code as well as browser HTML I found file field but while testing the capybara is unable to find the file field. I tried hard and different approaches but unable to fix the problem. Here partial look like this:

    = "Upload a CSV"

  = form_tag dummy_path, multipart: true, class: "upload_csv" do
    = hidden_field_tag :dmp_id, @dmp.id
            Choose file
            = file_field_tag :file, style: 'line-height: normal',  accept: "text/csv", class: "file_input"
        %input.form-control.input-custom{:readonly => "", :type => "text"}
      = submit_tag "Upload CSV", class: "btn btn-primary", id: "upload_csv"

And capybara test look like this

 within '.upload_csv' do
     page.attach_file('file', "#{Rails.root}/spec/acceptance/test_uploads/input_output.csv")
     click_button 'Upload'

I will be thankful if you can help me fixing this problem?

is the field visible on the page?sevenseacat
Yes the field is visible on the page. And the error message looks like this: Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find file field "file" from /Users/theKing/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/capybara-2.4.1/lib/capybara/node/finders.rb:41:in block in find'cmthakur
Try taking the page out of it. Like: attach_file('file', "#{Rails.root}/spec/acceptance/test_uploads/input_output.csv")Tiago Farias
@TiagoFarias I had tried it but it doesn't help.cmthakur

1 Answers


Capybara 2x (capybara issue) doesn't find hidden elements by default.

You can either set ignore_hidden_elements to false:

Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false

Or simply add :visible option to your method:

within '.upload_csv' do
  attach_file('file', "#{Rails.root}/spec/acceptance/test_uploads/input_output.csv", visible: false)
    click_button 'Upload'

This solved my problem.

Note: :visible option is also supported by most of Capybara methods that internally work with Capybara::Query (like find, all, has_css?, have_selector etc.)