I am trying to set the width of columns in a DataTable rendered in Shiny and am not able to implement it using the aoColumnDefs options. Has anyone tried this before ? My table has 1 text followed by 3 numeric columns. The numeric columns need to be narrower and the 1st column (text) wider.
output$result <- renderDataTable({
z <- as(dataInput(), "data.frame")
setnames(z, c("Rules", "Support", "Confidence", "StatDep"))
}, options = list(aLengthMenu = c(5, 30, 50), iDisplayLength = 5, bSortClasses = TRUE,
aoColumnDefs = list(sWidth = "50px", aTargets = list(1))))
- Raj.
** Update ** This seems to be working, but there might be other options to do this as well.
output$result <- renderDataTable({
z <- as(dataInput(), "data.frame")
setnames(z, c("Rules", "Support", "Confidence", "StatDep"))
}, options = list(aLengthMenu = c(5, 30, 50), iDisplayLength = 5, bSortClasses = TRUE,
bAutoWidth = FALSE,
aoColumn = list(list(sWidth = "150px", sWidth = "30px",
sWidth = "30px", sWidth = "30px"))