
I am creating A user control Where User Can Select file by and I am getting the File Name From DB, that control have Two Control List-View Data-Pager, this Control I am Using inside the Ajax module Popup, When I click To next button My Module Popup is closed, So I need to know, how i can detect the Data pager Event when some one Click on data pager. this is my markup [ <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ResumeControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="TheQueue.CustomWebControls.ResumeControl" %> <%-- Title Row --%> '> '></asp:Literal> </td> --> '> '> '> '> ' CommandName="Select" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("ResumeId")%>' /> ]

Thsi is the code of base page [ ]


2 Answers


We have had several issues implementing ajax popup. Finally we implemented a solution that doesn't require ajax / javascript / jquery / update panel / css tricks. This popup will not close until you close it. This has been working good for us for about a month or so. you might want to have a look: A modal popup with out using ajax, update panel, jquery or javascript- surprisingly this seems to work


Main issue is data is rebinding and doing the full post back, just need to prevent full post back which solve the issue.