I am trying to match multiple outer joins on the same level in neo4j.
My database consists of users and a count of common up ur downratings on articles. The ratings counts are on seprate edges for up and downratings between the users.
---------- -----------
| User n | -[:rating_positive {weight}]-> | User n2 |
---------- -----------
| ^
\-----[:rating_negative {weight}]-------/
Now i want to produce edges that sum up these ratings.
I would love to use multiple optional merges, that do so sch as e.g.:
MATCH (n:`User`)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n:`User`)-[rating_positive:rating_positive]-(n2:`User`)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n:`User`)-[rating_negative:rating_negative]-(n2:`User`)
RETURN n.uid, n2.uid, rating_positive.weight, rating_negative.weight
But: In this example I get all users without any positive ratings and those with positive and negatice ratings but none with only negative ratings. So there seems to be a sequence in OPTIONAL MATCH.
If I swap the order of the "OPTIONAL MATCHes" I get those with only negative ratings but not those with onl positive ratings.
So "OPTIONAL MATCH" is somehow a sequence where only when the first sequence is met I get something from the second and so on?
Is there a workaround?
Neo4j Version is 2.1.3.
Even more confusing matching against NULL does not seem to work. So this query:
MATCH (n:`User`)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n:`User`)-[rating_positive:rating_positive]-(n2:`User`)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n:`User`)-[rating_negative:rating_negative]-(n2:`User`)
WHERE rating_positive IS NULL AND rating_negative IS NOT NULL
RETURN n.uid, n2.uid, rating_positive.weight, rating_negative.weight
will give me lots of edges with NULL rating_negative and NON NULL rating_positive. I don't know what is happening with null matching in WHERE?
Anyway I found a way to recode the nulls to 0 values using "coalesce":
MATCH (n:`User`)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n:`User`)-[rating_positive:rating_positive]-(n2:`User`)
OPTIONAL MATCH (n:`User`)-[rating_negative:rating_negative]-(n2:`User`)
WITH n, n2, coalesce(rating_positive.weight, 0) AS rating_positive, coalesce(rating_negative.weight, 0) as rating_negative
WHERE rating_positive = 0 AND rating_negative > 0
RETURN n.uid, n2.uid, rating_positive, rating_negative
With this query it works as expected.