Hello I was trying to import some data in csv file to neo4j in my ubuntu 12.04.
The csv file is a two column data file with no header its format is like:
the thing is the data in row 0 and row 1 is not unique, for example the data may be 3000 lines and only has 100 unique row0 value and 300 unique row1 value.
And I want to build a graph with unique 100 row0 nodes and 300 row1 nodes and 3000 relationships between those nodes(if 12ffew3213,232rwe13 appears twice there are 2 edges).
Since I am new to neo4j and Cypher. After I tried with CREATE and MERGE for a while I still cannot build UNIQUE nodes. I used something like
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///home/nate/Downloads/file.csv' AS line
MERGE (:A { number: toString(line[0])})-[:LIKES]->(:B { ID: toString(line[1])})
Any ideas??Thanks ahead!