I had always heard that vectorized code runs faster than for loops in MATLAB. However, when I tried vectorizing my MATLAB code it seemed to run slower.
I used tic
and toc
to measure the times. I changed only the implementation of a single function in my program. My vectorized version ran in 47.228801
seconds and my for-loop version ran in 16.962089
Also in my main program I used a large number for N, N = 1000000
and DataSet's size is 1 301
, and I ran each version several times for different data sets with the same size and N.
Why is the vectorized so much slower and how can I improve the speed further?
The "vectorized" version
function [RNGSet] = RNGAnal(N,DataSet)
%Creates a random number generated set of numbers to check accuracy overall
% This function will produce random numbers and normalize a new Data set
% that is derived from an old data set by multiply random numbers and
% then dividing by N/2
randData = randint(N,length(DataSet));
tempData = repmat(DataSet,N,1);
RNGSet = randData .* tempData;
RNGSet = sum(RNGSet,1) / (N/2); % sum and normalize by the N
The "for-loop" version
function [RNGData] = RNGAnsys(N,Data)
%RNGAnsys This function produces statistical RNG data using a for loop
% This function will produce RNGData that will be used to plot on another
% plot that possesses the actual data
multData = zeros(N,length(Data));
for i = 1:length(Data)
photAbs = randint(N,1); % Create N number of random 0's or 1's
multData(:,i) = Data(i) * photAbs; % multiply each element in the molar data by the random numbers
sumData = sum(multData,1); % sum each individual energy level's data point
RNGData = (sumData/(N/2))'; % divide by n, but account for 0.5 average by n/2
by using binary singleton expansion (bsxfun
) instead? – Ben Voigtrepmat
is often slower thanbsxfun
: trybsxfun(@times, randData, DataSet)
. Also the loops slower than vectorization is most observed in older versions of Matlab, with the JIT compiler, for loops with preallocation can be quite efficient. – Dan43.182087
seconds. Still significantly slower than the for-loop version. – MichaelGofron