In leaflet we were trying to load in custom markers for a geoJSON point file. When using the default markers the layer is loaded in perfectly fine, other than it taking a long time to load. However when we try to change the markers to a customized marker using the pointToLayer function the whole layer seems to disappear. Here is the code for the specific customized marker:
var manholeMarkerOptions = {
radius : 8,
fillColor : "#ff7800",
color : "#000",
weight : 1,
opacity : 1
//Creates a variable to grab GeoJSON from GitHub repository and calls the popUpmanholes function to occur on each click.
var manholes = new L.GeoJSON.AJAX('', {
onEachFeature : popUpmanholes,
pointToLayer : function(feature, latlng) {
return new L.circleMarker(latlng, manholeMarkerOption);
And here is a link to the GITHub:
The only reason we are using GITHub as a CDN is for testing purposes and will change it as soon as we get the basics down.