
I tried build blank cordova hybrid app with vs2013 , but got some error

(1) Cannot find module 'lru-cache'

(2) The command ""C:\Users\Ian\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\vs-mda\vs-cli" prepare --platform Android --configuration Debug --projectDir . --projectName "BlankCordovaApp2"" exited with code 8.

What's i missing?

Dev Tool : vs2013 up2 and install cordova perview OS : win 8.1

Thanks , but i tried that ,still error . The PATH environment variable , i set for system PATH variable .Ian

1 Answers


Do you know if the project build was interrupted midway?

This looks like a node acquisition issue. If any of you run into this issue, could you run npm install lru-cache and let us know if that fixes it?

Thanks! Avani