I am trying to deploy some code that does something simple, when the user clicks on the accept button, it checks a checkbox (I have a workflow set up on the checkbox) and then I need it to redirect me to a thank you page. At the moment I don't know if my code is correct so I need to get the test correct to test it.
My Apex
public class proposalCon {
ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl;
Public List <PPM_Project__c> PPM_Project_List {get;set;}
public proposalCon(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
stdCtrl= controller;
PPM_Project_List = [ select Short_Description__c from PPM_Project__c ];
public PageReference save(){
upsert PPM_Project_List;
PageReference reRend = new PageReference('/apex/final_approval_canvas_complete');
return reRend;
And here is my test attempt:
private class proposalConTest{
static testMethod void testProposalCon() {
// List of Message
List <PPM_Project__c> PPM_ProjectList = new List<PPM_Project__c>();
PPM_ProjectList.add(new PPM_Project__c (
Name = 'A Test' ,
Short_Description__c = 'Good Job',
Due_Date__c = system.today()+30,
Final_Design_Artwork__c ='http://proteusleadership.com/DE123'
PPM_ProjectList.add(new PPM_Project__c (
Name = 'A Test 2' ,
Short_Description__c = 'Good Job',
Due_Date__c = system.today()+30,
Final_Design_Artwork__c ='http://proteusleadership.com/DEf123'
insert PPM_ProjectList;
Account account = new Account(Name='Test Co Pty Ltd');
insert account;
Contact contact = new Contact(firstName='TestFN',LastName='TestLN',email='[email protected]',AccountId=account.Id);
insert contact;
// ** Start Testing ***/
proposalCon controller = new proposalCon();
PageReference reRend = new PageReference('/apex/final_approval_canvas_complete');
PPM_ProjectList = [ select Short_Description__c from PPM_Project__c ];
I have been trying with no luck and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.