I'm having issues with handling Foundation on my Rails application. They are mostly related to customizations and few navigation structures.
In my assets folder I have application.css.scss and framework_and_overrides.css.scss as overriding styles which is imported in my application.css.scss and I also import "foundation" in it.
I understand the default structure of top-bar, but however I'm failing to build a two level responsive navigation as depicted in mockup:
First of all, it is difficult to change sizes, links and background color. Is there any easy way to do customization than inspecting or modifying each element?
Can I make one nav bar in two rows, every list element in this section falls under toggle, and I need to keep the language navigation bar outside the toggle and intact. If I make two separate navbars - when resizing the screen, the language one falls under the second one because all the buttons stack over. I don't think a good solution would be to override both nav bars in different ways, I hope it's not the only one.
What is the best way to make such responsive navigation?
Thanks for any help and guidance.