
I am trying to add a date picker to my site that has been "bootstraped". I am not using the DoJo picker or the native picker because of aesthetics. Here are the components that I am currently using:

  1. http://bootstrap4xpages.openntf.org/ => installed and working perfectly

  2. bootstrap date picker: http://eternicode.github.io/bootstrap-datepicker/?markup=input&format=dd.mm.yyyy&weekStart=&startDate=&endDate=&startView=0&minViewMode=0&todayBtn=false&language=en&orientation=auto&multidate=&multidateSeparator=&keyboardNavigation=on&forceParse=on#sandbox => This was installed by coping the .js and .css files into the database.

  3. I have read through (and understood I think) Marky's blog entry: http://xomino.com/2012/01/26/using-jquery-selectors-in-xpages/

My problem is that no matter what I do I cannot get jQuery to add the .datepicker element to my field. I have tried both Marky's function, using a class name as the selector and just entering it directly. Does anybody have an idea what I am doing wrong?

Thank you in advance Ursus

PS: I would like to add that this is the first time I am using jQuery and bootstrap so be easy on me :o)

Here is the code:

=================== xPage =================

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core" xmlns:xe="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/coreex" xmlns:xc="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/custom">
        <xp:script src="/bootstrap-datepicker.js" clientSide="true"></xp:script>
        <xp:styleSheet href="/datepicker3.css"></xp:styleSheet>
        <xp:script src="/jsTestBootstrap.js" clientSide="true"></xp:script>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-xs-12">
                    <xp:label value="Select a date" id="label1" for="inputText1"></xp:label>
                    <xp:inputText id="inputText1" styleClass="jqDateField">

===================== and here my clientSide code to select the field ==============

    format: "dd.mm.yyyy"

====================== end =========================================================

Try using the X$ function from this post: xomino.com/2012/03/09/x-reference-examples It works very well so your code would look like x$(“#{id:inputText1}”).datepicker({format: "dd.mm.yyyy"});Steve Zavocki
Have you tried a class selector? $(".jqDateField") - use a classSelector and save yourself some heartache One other thing you could try and look at it the z-index of the date picker - is it being created and not visible? I had that issue with jQueryUI date picker - was working but not visible. Use firebug to see if the selector works.MarkyRoden
@MarkyRoden: yes, I tried the class selector but it still didn't work. The field is being created and is visible! Spent all afternoon with firebug :o) I even had a work colleague look at it who does a lot of bootstrap and AngularJS (spelling?) - he couldn't find my error eitherUrsus Schneider
@SteveZavocki: I have tried that numerous times - I added Marks code in a jsLibrary then added your code (the " seemed to get a mixed up - this is what I am using: x$("#{id:inputText1}").datepicker({format: "dd.mm.yyyy"});) - I then get the following error in the console: Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: ##{id\:inputText1}Ursus Schneider
Here is an actual code example that works: x$("#{id:inputHidden1}").val(formattedDate); Perhaps the formatting is set in a different way, I am using datepick.js, and I set the formatting in the panel and it works correctly.Steve Zavocki

2 Answers


See my blog post, http://elstarit.nl/?p=118. There I use different one, but I like it a lot because it has a date picker and time picker in one. But back to your JQuery problem. Do you know which version of JQuery is needed? Last week I banged my head against the wall, because in Bootstrap4XPages JQuery 1.8.x is loaded and my plugin required a newer version. After switching of Bootstrap4XPages and loaded JQuery by myself the problem was fixed.


Thank you very much for all the input. Mark reached out to me and we solved the problem using TeamViewer. There where multiple errors. Here goes:

  1. I created a client side JavaScript library to hold the x$ code from Mark - this was the first problem -> I needed to include it as a < script > block

  2. I am using jSignature (http://hasselba.ch/blog/?p=934) to allow users to sign the document -> when adding jSignature I added jQuery 1.8.1 - Bootstrap4XPages installs jQuery 1.8.2 -> 2 x jQuery was a problem for the selector (funnily enough jSignature still worked).

So, it's now working with all your help. Thank you very much :o)

Have a good day Ursus