I'm trying to implement a blending effect in GLSurfaceView with GLES20.
The view has a color (red) background, on top of which a mask texture and an image texture with alpha channel are blended.
Here are an example mask and image:
The expected result:
Here is a similar question, which guided me so far: OpenGL - mask with multiple textures
Unfortunately I couldn't achieve a similar result. Here are relevant parts of my onDraw() method:
// Bind default FBO and use shader program
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
// Set the vertex attributes
glVertexAttribPointer(texCoordHandle, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mTexVertices);
glVertexAttribPointer(posCoordHandle, 2, GL_FLOAT, false, 0, mPosVertices);
// Clear the buffer color - draw red color background
// Apply transformation - irrelevant
glUniformMatrix4fv(mvpMatrixHandle, 1, false, matrix, 0);
// Bind the mask texture for drawing
glUniform1i(contentTextureHandle, 0);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[MASK_TEX]);
// Write alpha value 1.0 to white regions and 0.0 to black - don't change the RGB values
GL_ZERO, // remove the source rgb colors
GL_ONE, // keep the destination rgb colors
GL_SRC_COLOR, // !! put high alpha (1.0) where image is white
GL_ZERO); // remove destination alpha
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
// Bind the content image
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textures[CONTENT_TEX]);
// Change the blend function to write the regions with low alpha
GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, // black regions (alpha 0): keep src rgb, white regions: remove src rgb
GL_DST_ALPHA, // black regions: remove dst rgb, white regions: keep dst rgb
GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, // black regions: keep src alpha, white regions: remove src alpha
GL_DST_ALPHA); // black regions: remove dst rgb, white regions: keep dst alpha
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
However, the result of combining these blend function produces only the red background.
I've tried all sorts of functions for two days now, but I think the above one should be right. Also, while debugging I tried glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
instead and both images show up on top of each other (i.e. there is no problem with the textures or the GL setup):
My choice of the above blending function is based on the presumption that the formula behind funcSeparate is :
Orgb = srgb *Srgb + drgb * Drgb
Oa = sa * Sa + da * Da
O: output, s - source, d - destination, rest are params from glBlendFuncSeparate(Srgb, Drgb, Sa, Da)
Any ideas why the textures don't blend as expected or how to achieve the desired result?
I followed Reto Koradi's advice and incorporated the blending inside my fragment shader:
"precision mediump float;\n" +
"uniform sampler2D tex_sampler;\n" +
"uniform sampler2D mask_sampler;\n" +
"varying vec2 v_texcoord;\n" +
"void main() {\n" +
" vec4 mask = texture2D(mask_sampler, v_texcoord);\n" +
" vec4 text = texture2D(tex_sampler, v_texcoord);\n" +
" gl_FragColor = vec4(text.r * (1.0 - mask.r), text.g * (1.0 - mask.r), text.b * (1.0 - mask.r), text.a * (1.0 - mask.r));\n" +
Note that I'm using premultiplied bitmaps with blend function .glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
I'm planning to cut down the (1.0 - mask.r)
parts by switching to masks with reversed colors (i.e. showing the texture in the white zones instead of the blacks).
It was a bit tricky getting the two textures' bonding correctly (glActiveTexture and glUniform1i), but there's plenty of resources online how to do that.