I am working on a JSF application which is supposed to support a big scale of users logged in at the same time. And when we tried with our stress testing, we have observed that a large portion of CPU time is spent on rebuilding and traversing through the component tree.
My first thought was to try to make specific parts of the page stateless and thus be excluded from the component tree. But if I wrap a form element with the f:view being marked as transient:
<f:view transient="true">
, all my other forms on the page are also stateless (the hidden input field that is supposed to hold the state has for 'value' attribute value 'stateless': ).
Is there a way to make only specific forms on the page stateless, or the whole page can be either stateless or stateful?
Thanks for any kind of help!
For implementation we are using Mojarra 2.2.7, along with Primefaces 4.0 as a component library and Omnifaces 1.7 for some utility functionalities.