
I'm new to Wordpress, I'm using ver 3.9 but I found that no page is listing posts. only with the default theme they show up as a little menu of recent posts. how to make the front page list all the posts with excerpts?



2 Answers


WordPress uses a Template Hierarchy.

If you create a file called front-page.php in your theme then this template will be used for both Your latest posts and A static page (these are set in the 'Front page displays' section of Settings > Reading).

You can also use home.php as the template for Your latest posts.

Note: If you are using 'A static front page' then the static front page takes precedence over your list of blog posts. Therefore example.com will show your static page and example.com/my-blog will display your list of blog posts (my-blog is the slug of your blog posts page).


Please create your Blog Page and then assign all post to that page

Step 1 : Create Page Blog

Step 2 : Go to Setting -> Reading -> Front page displays -> Post Page -> Blog

enter image description here