
I am unable to import tag field from excel to TFS 2012. there are two ways currently to import into TFS from Excel:

  1. If we export data from TFS to get a Template structure, TAG field would be read only. So user cannot make any changes to it.

  2. If we use simple Excel where field names in TFS are given as column names and we try to migrate that data using TestCase migrator Plus tool (for Bug or TestCase work item in TFS), then it gives this WARNING: Value of Field: Tags is modified from 'Sanity' to ''

So eventually that TestCase or a Bug work item gets imported in TFS but WITHOUT TAGS field.

Kindly suggest me on this.

Thanks in advance


1 Answers


TFS 2012 does not support editing Tags in Excel.

This capability was introduced recently, in TFS 2013 Update 2. See here for more info: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bharry/archive/2014/02/05/vs-tfs-2013-2-update-2-ctp-released.aspx