
Why does Rust have String and str? What are the differences between String and str? When does one use String instead of str and vice versa? Is one of them getting deprecated?


11 Answers


String is the dynamic heap string type, like Vec: use it when you need to own or modify your string data.

str is an immutable1 sequence of UTF-8 bytes of dynamic length somewhere in memory. Since the size is unknown, one can only handle it behind a pointer. This means that str most commonly2 appears as &str: a reference to some UTF-8 data, normally called a "string slice" or just a "slice". A slice is just a view onto some data, and that data can be anywhere, e.g.

  • In static storage: a string literal "foo" is a &'static str. The data is hardcoded into the executable and loaded into memory when the program runs.

  • Inside a heap allocated String: String dereferences to a &str view of the String's data.

  • On the stack: e.g. the following creates a stack-allocated byte array, and then gets a view of that data as a &str:

    use std::str;
    let x: &[u8] = &[b'a', b'b', b'c'];
    let stack_str: &str = str::from_utf8(x).unwrap();

In summary, use String if you need owned string data (like passing strings to other threads, or building them at runtime), and use &str if you only need a view of a string.

This is identical to the relationship between a vector Vec<T> and a slice &[T], and is similar to the relationship between by-value T and by-reference &T for general types.

1 A str is fixed-length; you cannot write bytes beyond the end, or leave trailing invalid bytes. Since UTF-8 is a variable-width encoding, this effectively forces all strs to be immutable in many cases. In general, mutation requires writing more or fewer bytes than there were before (e.g. replacing an a (1 byte) with an ä (2+ bytes) would require making more room in the str). There are specific methods that can modify a &mut str in place, mostly those that handle only ASCII characters, like make_ascii_uppercase.

2Dynamically sized types allow things like Rc<str> for a sequence of reference counted UTF-8 bytes since Rust 1.2. Rust 1.21 allows easily creating these types.


I have a C++ background and I found it very useful to think about String and &str in C++ terms:

  • A Rust String is like a std::string; it owns the memory and does the dirty job of managing memory.
  • A Rust &str is like a char* (but a little more sophisticated); it points us to the beginning of a chunk in the same way you can get a pointer to the contents of std::string.

Are either of them going to disappear? I do not think so. They serve two purposes:

String keeps the buffer and is very practical to use. &str is lightweight and should be used to "look" into strings. You can search, split, parse, and even replace chunks without needing to allocate new memory.

&str can look inside of a String as it can point to some string literal. The following code needs to copy the literal string into the String managed memory:

let a: String = "hello rust".into();

The following code lets you use the literal itself without copy (read only though)

let a: &str = "hello rust";

str, only used as &str, is a string slice, a reference to a UTF-8 byte array.

String is what used to be ~str, a growable, owned UTF-8 byte array.


They are actually completely different. First off, a str is nothing but a type level thing; it can only be reasoned about at the type level because it's a so-called dynamically-sized type (DST). The size the str takes up cannot be known at compile time and depends on runtime information — it cannot be stored in a variable because the compiler needs to know at compile time what the size of each variable is. A str is conceptually just a row of u8 bytes with the guarantee that it forms valid UTF-8. How large is the row? No one knows until runtime hence it can't be stored in a variable.

The interesting thing is that a &str or any other pointer to a str like Box<str> does exist at runtime. This is a so-called "fat pointer"; it's a pointer with extra information (in this case the size of the thing it's pointing at) so it's twice as large. In fact, a &str is quite close to a String (but not to a &String). A &str is two words; one pointer to a the first byte of a str and another number that describes how many bytes long the the str is.

Contrary to what is said, a str does not need to be immutable. If you can get a &mut str as an exclusive pointer to the str, you can mutate it and all the safe functions that mutate it guarantee that the UTF-8 constraint is upheld because if that is violated then we have undefined behaviour as the library assumes this constraint is true and does not check for it.

So what is a String? That's three words; two are the same as for &str but it adds a third word which is the capacity of the str buffer on the heap, always on the heap (a str is not necessarily on the heap) it manages before it's filled and has to re-allocate. the String basically owns a str as they say; it controls it and can resize it and reallocate it when it sees fit. So a String is as said closer to a &str than to a str.

Another thing is a Box<str>; this also owns a str and its runtime representation is the same as a &str but it also owns the str unlike the &str but it cannot resize it because it does not know its capacity so basically a Box<str> can be seen as a fixed-length String that cannot be resized (you can always convert it into a String if you want to resize it).

A very similar relationship exists between [T] and Vec<T> except there is no UTF-8 constraint and it can hold any type whose size is not dynamic.

The use of str on the type level is mostly to create generic abstractions with &str; it exists on the type level to be able to conveniently write traits. In theory str as a type thing didn't need to exist and only &str but that would mean a lot of extra code would have to be written that can now be generic.

&str is super useful to be able to to have multiple different substrings of a String without having to copy; as said a String owns the str on the heap it manages and if you could only create a substring of a String with a new String it would have to copied because everything in Rust can only have one single owner to deal with memory safety. So for instance you can slice a string:

let string: String   = "a string".to_string();
let substring1: &str = &string[1..3];
let substring2: &str = &string[2..4];

We have two different substring strs of the same string. string is the one that owns the actual full str buffer on the heap and the &str substrings are just fat pointers to that buffer on the heap.


std::String is simply a vector of u8. You can find its definition in source code . It's heap-allocated and growable.

#[derive(PartialOrd, Eq, Ord)]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub struct String {
    vec: Vec<u8>,

str is a primitive type, also called string slice. A string slice has fixed size. A literal string like let test = "hello world" has &'static str type. test is a reference to this statically allocated string. &str cannot be modified, for example,

let mut word = "hello world";
word[0] = 's';

str does have mutable slice &mut str, for example: pub fn split_at_mut(&mut self, mid: usize) -> (&mut str, &mut str)

let mut s = "Per Martin-Löf".to_string();
    let (first, last) = s.split_at_mut(3);
    assert_eq!("PER", first);
    assert_eq!(" Martin-Löf", last);
assert_eq!("PER Martin-Löf", s);

But a small change to UTF-8 can change its byte length, and a slice cannot reallocate its referent.


It is str that is analogous to String, not the slice to it, which are also known as &str.

An str is a string literal, basically a pre-allocated text:

"Hello World"

This text has to be stored somewhere, so it is stored in the data section of the executable along with the program’s machine code, as sequence of bytes ([u8]). Because the text can have any length, they are dynamically-sized, their size is known only at run-time:

|  H |  e  |  l  |  l  |  o  |    |  W |  o  |  r  |  l  |  d  |

| 72 | 101 | 108 | 108 | 111 | 32 | 87 | 111 | 114 | 108 | 100 |

We need to access stored text, this is where the slice comes in.

A slice,[T], is a view into a block of memory. Whether mutable or not, a slice always borrows and that is why it is always behind a pointer, &.

So, "Hello World" expression returns a fat pointer, containing both the address of the actual data and its length. This pointer will be our handle to the actual data. Now data is behind a pointer, compiler knows its size at compile time.

Since text is stored in the source code, it will be valid for the entire lifetime of the running program, hence will have the static lifetime.

So, return value of "Hello Word" expression should reflect these two characteristics, which it does:

let s: &'static str = "Hello World";

You may ask why its type is written as str but not as [u8], it is because data is always guaranteed to be a valid UTF-8 sequence. Not all UTF-8 characters are single byte, some are 4 bytes and not all sequence of bytes are valid UTF-8 characters. So [u8] would be inaccurate.

On the other hand, String is a specialized vector of u8 bytes, in other words resizable buffer holding UTF-8 text. We say specialized because it does not permit arbitrary access and enforces certain checks that data is always valid UTF-8. The buffer is allocated on the heap, so it can resize its buffer as needed or requested.

Here is how it is defined in the source code:

pub struct String {
    vec: Vec<u8>,

You would be able to create Strings using String struct but vec is private to ensure validity and proper checks, since not all stream of bytes are valid utf-8 characters.

But there are several methods defined on String type to create String instance, new is one of them:

pub const fn new() -> String {
  String { vec: Vec::new() }

We can use it to create a valid String. Unfortunately it does not accept input parameter. So result will be valid but an empty string:

let s = String::new();
println("{}", s);

But we can fill this buffer with initial value from different sources:

From a string literal

let a = "Hello World";
let s = String::from(a);

From raw parts

let ptr = s.as_mut_ptr();
let len = s.len();
let capacity = s.capacity();

let s = String::from_raw_parts(ptr, len, capacity);

From a character

let ch = 'c';
let s = ch.to_string();

From vector of bytes

let hello_world = vec![72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100];
// We know it is valid sequence, so we can use unwrap
let hello_world = String::from_utf8(hello_world).unwrap();
println!("{}", hello_world); // Hello World

From input buffer

use std::io::{self, Read};

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut buffer = String::new();
    let stdin = io::stdin();
    let mut handle = stdin.lock();

    handle.read_to_string(&mut buffer)?;

Or from any other type that implements ToString trait

Since String is a vector under the hood, it will exhibit some vector characteristics:

  • a pointer: The pointer points to an internal buffer that stores the data.
  • length: The length is the number of bytes currently stored in the buffer.
  • capacity: The capacity is the size of the buffer in bytes. So, the length will always be less than or equal to the capacity.

And it delegates some properties and methods to vectors:

pub fn capacity(&self) -> usize {

Most of the examples uses String::from, so people get confused thinking why create String from another string.

It is a long read, hope it helps.


Rust &str and String


  • Rust owned String type, the string itself lives on the heap and therefore is mutable and can alter its size and contents.
  • Because String is owned when the variables which owns the string goes out of scope the memory on the heap will be freed.
  • Variables of type String are fat pointers (pointer + associated metadata)
  • The fat pointer is 3 * 8 bytes (wordsize) long consists of the following 3 elements:
    • Pointer to actual data on the heap, it points to the first character
    • Length of the string (# of characters)
    • Capacity of the string on the heap


  • Rust non owned String type and is immutable by default. The string itself lives somewhere else in memory usually on the heap or 'static memory.
  • Because String is non owned when &str variables goes out of scope the memory of the string will not be freed.
  • Variables of type &str are fat pointers (pointer + associated metadata)
  • The fat pointer is 2 * 8 bytes (wordsize) long consists of the following 2 elements:
    • Pointer to actual data on the heap, it points to the first character
    • Length of the string (# of characters)


use std::mem;

fn main() {
    // on 64 bit architecture:
    println!("{}", mem::size_of::<&str>()); // 16
    println!("{}", mem::size_of::<String>()); // 24

    let string1: &'static str = "abc";
    // string will point to `static memory which lives through the whole program

    let ptr = string1.as_ptr();
    let len = string1.len();

    println!("{}, {}", unsafe { *ptr as char }, len); // a, 3
    // len is 3 characters long so 3
    // pointer to the first character points to letter a

        let mut string2: String = "def".to_string();

        let ptr = string2.as_ptr();
        let len = string2.len();
        let capacity = string2.capacity();
        println!("{}, {}, {}", unsafe { *ptr as char }, len, capacity); // d, 3, 3
        // pointer to the first character points to letter d
        // len is 3 characters long so 3
        // string has now 3 bytes of space on the heap

        string2.push_str("ghijk"); // we can mutate String type, capacity and length will aslo change
        println!("{}, {}", string2, string2.capacity()); // defghijk, 8

    } // memory of string2 on the heap will be freed here because owner goes out of scope


In easy words, String is datatype stored on heap (just like Vec), and you have access to that location.

&str is a slice type. That means it is just reference to an already present String somewhere in the heap.

&str doesn't do any allocation at runtime. So, for memory reasons, you can use &str over String. But, keep in mind that when using &str you might have to deal with explicit lifetimes.


Some Usages


fn main(){
  let hello = String::("hello");
  let any_char = hello[0];//error


fn main(){
  let hello = String::("hello");
  for c in hello.chars() {


fn main(){
  let hello = String::("String are cool");
  let any_char = &hello[5..6]; // = let any_char: &str = &hello[5..6];


fn main() {
  let s: &str = "hello"; // &str
  let s: String = s.to_uppercase(); // String
  println!("{}", s) // HELLO


fn say_hello(to_whom: &str) { //type coercion
     println!("Hey {}!", to_whom) 

fn main(){
  let string_slice: &'static str = "you";
  let string: String = string_slice.into(); // &str => String
  say_hello(&string);// &String


 // String is at heap, and can be increase or decrease in its size
// The size of &str is fixed.
fn main(){
  let a = "Foo";
  let b = "Bar";
  let c = a + b; //error
  // let c = a.to_string + b;

Note that String and &str are different types and for 99% of the time, you only should care about &str.


For C# and Java people:

  • Rust' String === StringBuilder
  • Rust's &str === (immutable) string

I like to think of a &str as a view on a string, like an interned string in Java / C# where you can't change it, only create a new one.


Here is a quick and easy explanation.

String - A growable, ownable heap-allocated data structure. It can be coerced to a &str.

str - is (now, as Rust evolves) mutable, fixed-length string that lives on the heap or in the binary. You can only interact with str as a borrowed type via a string slice view, such as &str.

Usage considerations:

Prefer String if you want to own or mutate a string - such as passing the string to another thread, etc.

Prefer &str if you want to have a read-only view of a string.