
I have six applications and I am using Jasig CAS for authenticating them. Jasig CAS's Single Sign On is working really good for me.

On the other hand, Single Sign Off is not working for me. When I logoff from one of the applications, I can not access to other applications from their root domain but I can access them by using their sub-services.


APP1 = http://domain.com/app1

APP2 = http://domain.com/app2

If I logoff from APP1, I can not reach to http://domain.com/app2 BUT I can reach to http://domain.com/app2/someservice


I am using ProxyPass to direct applications to Jasig CAS.

In Apache CAS web.xml, I have added:

    <filter-name>CAS Single Sign Out Filter</filter-name>

    <filter-name>CAS Single Sign Out Filter</filter-name>


My applications are based on Jsp and Django.

CAS Version : 3.3.10


I managed to solve 4 out of 6 applications by changing the "Satisfy" parameter of configurations of applications from "any" to "all".

2 out of 6 applications are deployed on Tomcat and to make them run on apache, mod_jk is used. When I try to enter any of those apps I get a redirection loop error. Because

1-) Application request ticket generating tickets from CAS

2-) CAS provides the ticket generating tickets

3-) Application resends ticket generating ticket to get the ticket

4-) CAS redirects to the main start page of the application

5-) Go back to state 1

When I look into the cas.log file I see

FormObjectClass not set. Using default class of org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.UsernamePasswordCredentials with formObjectName credentials and validator org.jasig.cas.validation.UsernamePasswordCredentialsValidator.


Any suggestions ?

my first guess is: domain.com/app2/someservice is being cached.ralf.w.
What is Apache CAS? Do you mean Jasig CAS?John Gasper
Yes I meant that, thanks for correction.Skr

1 Answers


Do you use "django-cas-client" as authentication backend?

I'm not sure if you need to configure anything on JaSig CAS side for the single sign-off. It's rather a way of logging out and you're free to use it or not.

You may want to study these article(s):